Version 3/170429 of Vorple Multimedia (for Glulx only) by Juhana Leinonen begins here. "Displaying images and playing sounds and music." Include version 3 of Vorple by Juhana Leinonen. Use authorial modesty. Chapter 1 - Images To place an/the/-- image (file - text) called (classes - text) with the/-- description (desc - text): if Vorple is supported: let id be unique identifier; place a block level element called "[id] vorple-image [classes]"; execute JavaScript command "$('', {src: '[escaped file]', alt: '[escaped desc]'}).appendTo('.[id]')"; otherwise: say desc. To place an/the/-- image (file - text) called (classes - text) with the/-- description (desc - text), centered, aligned left, aligned right, floating left or floating right: let the alignment class be ""; if centered, now the alignment class is "centered"; if aligned left, now the alignment class is "left-aligned"; if aligned right, now the alignment class is "right-aligned"; if floating left, now the alignment class is "left-floating"; if floating right, now the alignment class is "right-floating"; place the image file called "[alignment class] [classes]" with description desc. To place an/the/-- image (file - text) with the/-- description (desc - text), centered, aligned left, aligned right, floating left or floating right: let the alignment class be ""; if centered, now the alignment class is "centered"; if aligned left, now the alignment class is "left-aligned"; if aligned right, now the alignment class is "right-aligned"; if floating left, now the alignment class is "left-floating"; if floating right, now the alignment class is "right-floating"; place the image file called alignment class with description desc. To preload an/the/-- image (file - text): execute JavaScript command "new Image().src='[escaped file]';". To preload the/-- images (image-list - list of text): repeat with X running through image-list: preload image X. Chapter 2 - Audio To play a/the/-- sound effect file/-- (file - text), looping: let loop-attr be false; if looping: now loop-attr is true; execute JavaScript command "$('